Intercessors For Nigeria (IFN) a non-denominational prayer network with a mandate to pray for the church, the nation and its leaders for the enthronement of righteousness and justice in society.
IFN recognizes and upholds the world view of the Holy Bible in the conduct of family life, government, business and the promotion of freedom and true democracy. We affirm the centrality of prayer in establishing the kingdom of God in the earth.
The IFN serves as a Resource Centre for the church in the training of believers in the art of intercession, strategic spiritual warfare and discipleship. To accomplish this task, the IFN accepts invitations to organize and conduct Prayer Schools for churches and other Christian groups.
The IFN has various initiatives through which it achieves its Aims and Objectives.
These initiatives include:
1. Africa Prayer School (APS)
2. Africa Pastors/Minister Prayer Network (APMPN)
3. Sundoulos Africa Leadership Training (SALT) Programme
4. Fellowship of Christian Traditional Rulers of Nigeria (FECTRON)
5. Africa Kingdom Business Forum (AKBF)
6. City Prayer Project Initiative (CPP)
7. Africa Youth Network (AYN)
8. Prayer Mobilization Committee (PMC)
9. Community Deliverance Network (CDN)
The body is an affiliate of Intercessors For Africa and the International Fellowship of Intercessors.
To see the Kingdom of God established in Nigeria, its Land, People and Institutions.
To mobilize prayer and intercession for the church, nation and its leaders, raise and train believers for effective intercession and spiritual warfare, equip believers to manifest the Kingdom of God in all of society and to serve as a prophetic voice to the Nation.
- To serve as Intercessors and Watchmen seeking God for the establishment of His? kingdom in the Nation.
- To establish Prayer cells and Houses of prayer in the cities of all states of Nigeria.
- To enforce the finished work of Christ through deliverance for the benefit of individuals, families, institutions and communities.
- To raise and train responsible servant leaders for public life.
- To transform the royal traditional institution into godly custodians of the land and culture.
- To promote and model the kingdom lifestyle in the family and workplace.
- To raise and disciple the up-coming generation to take responsibility for Nigeria.
- To serve as a prophetic voice for the Nation.
- To partner with the local churches and seek their active participation in all activities of the ministry.
To raise prayers for and promote friendship with Israel.