- 1983- National Prayer Conference Christians Students Social Movt. (CSSM)
This year was the year of the coup that ousted the Shagari Government. The Lord spoke to us as we gathered in prayer in Port Harcourt, not even aware that a coup had taken place.
Son of man say to Nigeria; though you have passed through the valley of the shadow of death, thus saith the Lord, you shall not die but shall live.
ii. 1983 At the First National Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) Held at Hotel Presidential in Port Harcourt
A visiting delegate from New Mexico USA spoke about visions of black men that God was giving him while he was in his home country. When he asked about who the black men where, The Lord he said explained to him that these black men where Nigerians. He had never visited Nigeria before and the Lord told him he will soon take him there because the nation Nigeria was a nation he planned to use in revival. He then spoke on in prophecy. Thus saith the Lord- Nigeria and Nigerian Christians will be used by the Lord to preach the gospel in the market places of the World in these last days.
Pastor S. G. Elton spoke prophetically in this meeting concerning two key African nations, saying that Africa is like a gun pointed down. Its turret and muzzle is South Africa. Its trigger is Nigeria. He said the days would come when Apartheid (then at its peak in South Africa) will be removed from South Africa. In those days, he said the Gun of Africa would begin to fire for God’s purpose.
- Extract, Tape Recorded Message, West Regional Conference, Ibadan, 24-26/05/07
In 1989, on the way to US, I was in Shursbery in UK; I met this accountant who had a message given to him in 1983 during the Rivers of Life Conference in East Anglia in UK. The visioner was in a prayer session with his group when God began to show him a vision. God began to show him a vision of countries and lands that was passing through a draught. As he watched God brought him over a parcel of territory that typifies Africa. As he looked on, at a particular portion of that land, that portion was in total darkness, sparks of light was shooting out of that darkness while groaning and cries were coming out of that darkness. As he continues to watch, it appears somebody used a remote control to pause the motion of pictures. At this point he called out to his brethren, he told them that God was showing him something but it seems nothing was moving anymore. His friends told him to keep watching while they pray for him. As soon as they began to pray, it appeared a play button was pressed and the motion came alive again.
Then greater cries were coming out of that land and suddenly there was blinding flash of light that came and swept away that darkness and the whole land birthed with light. God told him that that land he has just seen is called Nigeria. Then they now sat down and began to ask themselves the meaning of this vision. And God told them that Nigeria is a significant nation in His hands for the establishment of His purposes in the last days, to break the scepter of the religion of sons of the bondwoman, to establish His purposes and that the principality appointed by Lucifer over Nigeria is in the same category as the principality over Israel and European nations. That is as tough as it is going to be to fulfill God’s purposes. So God told them (this British brethren) to constitute themselves to be interceding for Nigeria. So when he heard from his friends in 1989, that a Nigerian was coming, he came to see me (Steve) and to handover the responsibility. As he finished the message, he said since you are a Nigerian, go home and tell your brethren what God has said. As he finished, he greeted everybody and left.
So it is important to recall what God has said concerning Nigeria. A land covered with darkness in which there were groaning and cries with sparks of lights but needed a great light from heaven to blow away the darkness. It happened suddenly. It will happen suddenly. (Engr. Steve Olumuyiwa, Narrating)
iv. 1984- Ibadan Prayer Conference CSSM
As we prayed here at a large gathering of many campuses at the Ibadan Polytechnic, the Lord spoke again during a very deep session of prayers while most of us were on our face on the floor.
The Lord spoke in prophecy saying:
My Church in this nation, is my hope for the Continent of Africa
Arise Oh Nigeria! Saith the Lord, Arise from the North, Arise from the South, Arise from the West, Arise from the East. The season of incubation is past. The day to hatch has come and I the Lord bring upon you a visitation, my marked visitation. Even though you have not known me, yet I have chosen you. In this day I pass through your land in mercy to renew the face of the nations. Even though the nations are despising you, I have desired you as a place for my glory. Therefore, I the Lord have jealously watched over you to cause my purpose to be done. I have brought you to the valley of decision. There is no time to waste. Arise as a generation for, I have waited for you. I will desire of you genuine dedication. I the Lord will make my demands. But I seek to raise out of you a generation of men who will make my glory known in the ends of the earth. I have purposed it, I will do it. But I ask you to arise. Arise in this day, there is no more time to wait. Arise, Arise, from complacency, Arise from ignorance. Know me the God of destiny. Know me the God of covenants. For I seek to exhibit you to the world. I have come. This day do I desire a commitment from you. I desire not to wait any longer. My time has come and you shall labor in the nations to bring up children. Therefore, arise into this destiny for the world waits for you saith the Spirit of the Lord. (Prophecy, IFN, Core East Regional Conference, Onitsha, 27/1/96)
vi. 1996 Arlington Virginia USA ICCC Conference
At this global Christian convocation of the International Christian Chambers of Commerce (ICCC) held in Arlington VA USA, a white American female delegate called those of us from Nigeria together and intimated us about the word which she said the Lord spoke to correct her view of Nigeria as a nation that was forsaken by the Lord. She said that Lord said He was preparing Nigeria for use in the end time harvest of souls. She said the Lord directed her to go read the entire 36th chapter of the book of Ezekiel. He told her that wherever she saw the name Israel in the chapter, she should put the name Nigeria. The Lord said that way; she will see the full scope of his plan for the nation of Nigeria.
vii. AHOP Conference, Swaziland 1996
Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you. Acts 13:41.
viii. yet it is ten years and I would have changed the face of your continent. For my glory shall come in 10 years.
Behold my servants, in this 10 years I shall need runners, fast runners; they that shall run to and fro in your nations. But where are those runners. For in a short while, the time will come. Therefore raise runners for me. Send them forth, and I shall bring the continent to a place it will shine. (South Africa, April 2000.)
ix. I declare I am the Lord. I ever existed. But my people I declare to you, who has believed my report. Have I not spoken to you in the past? I have declared that I desire your nation as a choice possession to make my name known but your nation has not known me.
Your Nation has not stretched out her hands to me. I plead my case against your nation. I bring your nation to the place of a strong cry for there shall be a cry in your nation. These are the days I call you to myself have I not declared? Do not be forgetful hearers. I plead my case against your nation so they will know me. Review what I have said to you. I assure you, Nigeria will do my will and the nations shall rejoice as Nigeria does my will. I will bring you to the place of acceptability they will have a pure language I will put my sickle into your land. I harvest the wicked for judgment. I harvest your nation. The ears that hear will tingle and my Cyrus shall come to lead your nation. Don’t despair what will come. I have not left you without a witness. Look to me for direction, says the Spirit of the Lord. (Prophecy received during National Leadership consultation in Lagos on 26th February, 2000(1040hrs))
- The Lord says to Nigeria
I have given you a missionary spirit and am surely going to change the nations of the earth through you. But now I will give you the anointing to change your nation.
The Lord says, ?I am going to begin to unravel the corrupt system in Nigeria and men will say it is impossible but I say with God all things are possible?. There is going to be a revival in the Universities and this revival is going to be of such a large magnitude, that the revival in the Universities will affect the secondary schools and will affect the primary schools. And I am going to change Nigeria to the next generation says God. And the Lord says the unity of the leaders is coming. It’s going to uproot and dethrone the occult. For I’m going to overthrow the occult spirit. And I’m going to use Nigeria to heal the rest of Africa because what happens in Nigeria will affect the whole continent.
The Lord says I’m going to use the Nigerians in Russia. There will be many churches
planted in Russia. The Lord says I’m going to use your nation. I’m going to use you in the Middle East, God say I’m getting ready to change many things. I’m getting ready to expose this occult in the highest level. In the next few months, I’m going to tear it down and I’m going to make it shift and there will be a day violence will no longer be heard of in the streets of Nigeria. And it will be one of the safest nations on the face of the earth says God. Halleluiah. God bless you and bless you. (Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs, year 2002)
This is the fifth day of this holy convocation
I called you from your nations to announce to you that the doors are opened
For years ancient doors to the mystery of My grace have been locked to Africa
By the rebellion and disobedience of your fathers the doors had been locked
By their idolatry, bloodshed and immorality the doors had been locked
By deception, ignorance and foolishness the doors have been locked
But today on this fifth day of your holy convocation
I the Lord God announce to you that the doors are opened
I have seen your tears
I have heard the cry of your heart
I have witnessed your willingness to repent
I have come to announce to you that the doors are opened to the mystery of Africa
The doors are opened to the mystery of your life
Open your eyes carefully and I will show you the doors within THE DOOR
As you walk into the door of the mystery of Africa
I will guide you into the mystery of your life
I the Lord have come down to make announcement that the doors are open
My celestial doors are open
Be careful to know the laws of the heavens
Be careful to use them to set My dominion on the earth
My terrestrial doors are open
I have come to shake the foundations of the earth
I have come to show you the mysteries of its wealth
Reach out your hands into the treasures of darkness
Reach out with MY keys to unlock the hidden riches of secret places
The doors are opened to the thrones of Africa
I have come to harvest the souls of kings
This is the season of their harvest
I will loose the armor of kings and open to you the gates of their thrones
The day has come for a continental gathering of kings at the feet of the King of kings
Open your eyes and you will see the multitudes of doors that are open to you sons and daughters of Africa
I have opened doors to the marketplace
I have opened doors of witty inventions
I have opened the doors of knowledge and wisdom
I have opened the doors of prophetic marriages
Did I not give you the keys to these doors?
Did I not tell you how to open them?
Yet now I have come down to open them Myself
I have released angels into your midst
They will unlock the ancient doors that have hindered My plans
They will break the bars of iron
They will cut them asunder
I have come to show Myself strong
The doors are open
Walk in and you will fulfill the mystery of My grace.
(Pretoria, South Africa, March 18, 2005)
- xii. June 2000 ICCC Conference, South Africa
It dawned upon Gunnar Olson, founder of ICCC that its time for the African nations to rise up and take their rightful place among the nations of the world. He made the following proclamations:
- Africa, this is your Kairos moment, therefore arise and take your destiny
- Africa, be released and accept your divine mandate from heaven
- Africa, your shackles of slavery, poverty, limitations, idolatry, paganism, discrimination, exploitation, servitude, perversion, discord, witchcrafts, ancestral worship, Satanism, and all evil is crushed. Arise, Arise, Arise.
- Africa, bring forth your sons and daughters who will arise and take their rightful place among the kings, princes, and nobles of the earth. Let them execute the righteousness of God, and advance the purposes of God to bring healing, prosperity, and manifestations of majesty, excellence, and glory.
- Africa! the Lord will build a highway of holiness and righteousness, and everyone who walks on this highway will find refuge, strength and purpose
- Africa! all the nations of the earth will come marvel at your wisdom and glory.
- Africa, oh Africa the deepest fountains and resources of heaven that have been hidden deep in your belly because of the deeds of evil men, are now breaking forth because of the righteous remnants that have regarded the will of God higher than the opinions of men.
- Africa Arise, Arise, Arise. For the glory of God has risen upon you and your enemies are scattered.
While I was praying at the end of Emeka’s message, I saw a vision of a Local Africa Market place. It was looking dinghy, dirty and filthy. Then the vision changed. I saw the market transformed into a new environment. Gold, diamond and precious stones of various types were stacked neatly and well arranged on a table. I saw an oil font springing up from the table. I also saw in this new market environment, neatly dressed people in three distinct groups, Men, Boys and Babies (little children).
Then I saw trucks full of gold bars moving across the borders of the countries of Africa. I saw a blood stream flowing ahead of the trucks into villages into which the trucks were coming. As the blood stream entered into the villages, it exploded into white light which enveloped the villages. Thus says the Lord, There is a wave of prosperity coming from the Lord into Africa. The objective is for the salvation of the peoples of Africa. Idolatry will be overthrown in Africa as part of this move. Beware however that you do not replace idolatry with materialism when the release of the wealth comes.
- xiv. SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad) Conference 2000, South Africa
In summary the Lord promised He would change the face of Africa within a decade and that He would do bigger things than were done in the book of the Acts of the Apostles:
There was a time when this was called the Dark Continent; that time is over, says the Lord, because the light has shone upon you. The light of the Gospel is like a torch of fire that is being lit up by the Holy Spirit in this continent.
This continent will be known in the next ten years, as the continent that reversed the curse of the enemy. Totally reversed the curse and started to walk in the path of blessing. Blessings that will be shone forth to every nation in the world and professionals will look at Africa and will be totally amazed and will stand in awe saying, what happened here? We cannot explain what happened to this continent. There was no possibility. There was no natural possibility whatsoever for this to happen. So everybody will say in this continent, what happened here was not done by human hands, but by the Holy Spirit Himself.
There is an anointing for a miracle, an anointing for the supernatural upon this continent. There is a mantle upon this continent that is a miraculous mantle. It will fall upon anyone who will believe God, and literally capture the anointing and use it for the glory of the Lord … there are many, many conquests waiting for men and women, waiting to be conquerors. There are many challenges. There are many, many opportunities. This is the time and land of opportunity for the Kingdom of God.
There will be many, many Kingdom builders because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There are many, many men and women of God, who are waiting for a call from the Almighty, a supernatural kind of call, an anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now, there have been many, many great men of God who have risen up in the midst of calamity, and anguish, and sorrow, and have shaken there out of their bodies, so to speak, and have traveled all over the world sowing the power of the Almighty God.
The Holy Spirit says, these men have not been unique. These men have been only the first fruits of what I want to do in Africa, says the Holy Spirit.
Harold Cabelleros went on to say,
I believe the times of miracles are coming to Africa in such a way that will literally overshadow the book of Acts. So many miracles and so powerful miracles, that the shadow of men and women of God in this continent will heal the sick and raise the dead. It will happen so often that nobody will be amazed anymore when someone gets healed. The supernatural will be the natural thing in this continent … be cause the manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit is growing, and growing, and growing, and growing higher in this continent. Africa will be an exporter of missionaries and prophecies.
(Harold Cabelleros, SOMA Meeting, beyond AD2000, Cape Town South Africa, 2nd Nov.2000)
- xv. ABOVE ALL, I CALL YOU TO BE INTERCESSORS (Prophecy from Mount Carmel)
This prophecy was given in 1986 in a Prophetic Conference in Jerusalem, Israel. 153 prophets from 30 to 40 nations had gathered to wait upon and to hear from the Lord. The highlights of this prophecy to the entire body of Christ are as follows:
It will not be long before there will come upon the world a time of unparalleled upheaval and turmoil. Do not fear for it is I the Lord who am shaking all things.
I began this shaking with the first world war and I greatly increased it through the second world war. Since 1973 I have given it an even greater impetus. In the last stage, I plan to complete it with the shaking of the universe itself, with signs in sun and moon and stars.
But before that point is reached, I will judge the nations and the time is near. It will not only be by war and civil war, by anarchy and terrorism, and by monetary collapses that I will judge the nations, but also by natural disasters: by earthquakes, by shortages and famines and by old and new plague diseases.
I will also judge them by giving them over to their own ways, the lawlessness, to loveless selfishness, to delusion and to believing a lie; to false religion and an apostate church, even to a Christianity without me. Do not fear when these things begin to happen, for I disclose these things to you before they commence in order that you might be prepared, and that in the day of trouble and of evil you may stand firm and overcome.
For I purpose that you may become the means of encouraging and strengthening many who love me but who are weak. I desire that through you many may become strong in me, and that multitudes of others might find my salvation through you.
And hear this! Do not fear the power of the Kremlin, nor the power of the Islamic Revolution, for I plan to break both of them through Israel. I will bring down their pride and their arrogance, and shatter them because they have blasphemed my name. In that day I will avenge the blood of all the martyrs and of the innocent ones whom they have slaughtered. I will surely do this thing for they have thought that there was no one to judge them. But I have seen their ways and I have heard the cries of the oppressed and of the persecuted and I will break their power and make an end of them.
Be ye therefore prepared for when all this comes to pass, to you will be given the great opportunity to preach the Gospel freely to all nations. In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking, and at the heart of everything, is My Church. In the heavenlies She is joined to Me in one Spirit and I have destined Her for the throne. You who are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed – you are Mine.
I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal My power, and My grace and glory through you. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you for in all My dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of My Bride and reign with Me. Do not forget that this requires discipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work in you in the time which is left for I plan even during all this shaking the Bride will make Herself ready.
For in the midst of these judgments multitudes upon multitudes will be saved from the nations. You will hardly know how to bring the harvest in, but my Spirit will equip you for the task.
And to Israel, will I also turn in that day, and I will melt the hardening which has befallen her. I will turn their blindness into clear sight, and tear away the veil on their heart. Then shall they be redeemed with heart bursting joy, and it will become a fountain of new and resurrection life to the whole company of the redeemed.
Do not fear for these days, for I have purposed that you shall stand with Me and serve Me in them. Fear not, for I love you and I will protect you and equip you.
I, the Lord, will anoint you with a new anointing and you will work My works and fulfill My counsel. You shall stand before Me, the Lord of the whole earth and serve Me with understanding and with power and you shall reign with Me during these days. ABOVE ALL, I CALL YOU TO BE INTERCESSORS.
By Chad Taylor
Africa awake to your destiny! For in you is a prophetic seed that is about to break the ground of persecution. From you is coming a tree of righteousness and soundness. Its leaves will be for a shelter for the nations of the earth. For in you is a prophetic seed; an apostolic seed; in you is a corner stone to My last days Church, a pillar in My Temple and a living stone.
Africa awake to your destiny! For in the days to come you will see changes that topple the magistrates and the hierarchy that permits the death of My children. You will see it and be glad. You will say in your hearts, The Lord is gracious and has not forgotten us. The world will report of it and know that the Lord is in you. The seats of authority will turn, they will turn like water before the face of the Lord.
Africa awake to your destiny! For your children shall sing a new song! I will break now the curses that have brought drought and famine. Through your children’s prayers I will break the chains that hang on your nations neck. I will loose you from this heavy burden and give you rest. I will unlock the gates of bronze and I will give you the treasures out of darkness says the Lord.
Africa awake to your destiny! For from you will come a company, a troop, a brigade; they will march with a blazing message of my love! They will march to the steps of destiny and they will bring a Word from the Lord to the uttermost parts of the earth. From you O Africa will come my generals, and my commanders. From you will come a company of prophets that the earth has yet to see! You will prophesy to the winds of the earth and they will carry the life of my word to the nations.
Africa awake to your destiny. This is your hour of liberation! This is your year of jubilee! Africa awake to your destiny! You will speak my word in this season. You will set in motion these end time events. You will set my house in order. For the seed of prophecy is springing up even now in you, it will shortly bud and bear fruit. It will shortly cast its shadow upon the whole earth, and many shall hear of it and be glad. Africa awaken to your destiny! This is your year of jubilee! (Extract, Prof. Anigbogu’s Message, AKBF Continental Conference, 2006)