Prayer Guide For The Month Of June 2014




1ST JUNE ? 21ST JUNE 2014 (12MIDNIGHT ? 3AM)




On the 25th of May 2014, as we gathered to pray at the National Office, I heard God say Psalm 49. I led the brethren to read it and at verse 20 God reminded me of the dream I had the previous day.

?A man who is in honor, yet does not understand,

Is like the beasts that perish?.


In that dream, I strangely found myself gradually rousing from sleep lying on an overgrown field typical of Nigeria?s rainforest. As I sought to clearly understand the environment, a realization that brought me intense shock dawned on me. THERE WAS A HUGE LION lying just beside me. Of course, I was fully alerted by that realization and I laboriously assured myself that I hadn?t seen properly. I can?t be lying beside a lion in the wild! I thought to myself.


My denial soon faded as the creature began to move its body. In my dilemma, an avalanche of thoughts raced through my mind. Do I remain there motionless and pretend to be dead? I decided against that as I wasn?t sure how long I could keep up with that. Do I stand up and run? I didn?t know what direction to run and how far I could go before I feel the paws of the ferocious beast sinking into me.


However, I was again shocked beyond measure by what I observed of the lion. She portrayed such degree of tiredness and weakness that is incompatible with the natural disposition of lions. Talk about SLUGGISHNESS! This gave me the needed opportunity to escape to safety. I couldn?t believe it! As I ran off, I woke up.


I immediately sat down to ponder what manner of dream I just had and the interpretation filled my heart from the Spirit of God.


?This lion is the picture of the Church in Nigeria. Truly big, with huge potentials but yet too weak and sluggish to fight as expected.?


Earlier, on the 16th of May, 2014, midway in our lunch hour prayer time at the IFN National Office, God posed a question to me that I find very thought provoking. He said ? if an enemy is bringing a very sharp object towards your eyes to cause you damage, what should you naturally do? Meaning that, as the church, we are not as aggressive and combative as we ought to be in the face of our present escalating security challenges. We are no doubt putting in some effort but God?s assessment is that we are not yet doing enough.


Brethren, God will help us to be more discerning. Nigeria is facing the worst challenges in history since the end of the civil war. Let us believe the report of God and bring ourselves up to speed. These times actually detect emergency.


Arising from all these prophetic signals, God has led us to declare – A 21-DAYS CHAIN FASTING/ NIGHT WATCHES from the 1st to the 21st of June 2014.


The 1st and the last day fasts will be observed by every intercessor in addition to at least two other days every week. The fast lasts from 6am -6pm. Those with Medical Challenges should adjust accordingly.


A national day of Bible proclamation/Prophetic Praying will also be held within the period of the Fast in Abuja on the 14th day of June 2014 at the Grace Point Hotels, Kananga Close, off Yaounde Street, Wuse Zone 6. I encourage you to attend and to invite others as well.


God has called for stretching in the place of intercession and the best to do is to respond with due diligence.? Coordinators at all levels should take charge and ensure that the brethren are all carried along.


As usual, Coordinators should print out the Prayer guide and circulate extensively to the brethren, Pastors, Churches and Prayer Warriors. Leaders must study the referenced scriptures ahead of the Prayer time.


Let me not forget to emphasize that the Prayer guide is not exhaustive in itself. Be at liberty to enlarge and deepen the Prayer points by the leading of the Holy Spirit. This Prayer Assignment can also be observed at the level of the Family Altar, Market/Business Altar, local Denominational Assemblies, Special Fellowships. Etc.


Some friends can also arrange to use their phones to organize Conference Prayer Times utilizing those free Midnight Call hours.

Care should be taken to write down all that God will be saying and laying on our hearts as we seek Him this period. The feedbacks/Reports should be sent to the National Office through ([email protected]) not later 7days after the Prayer Assignment.


Our Watch word during this period and even after shall be – “THE GOD OF NIGERIA IS ABLE


While sending out this Prayer guide, I heartily acknowledge the contributions and inputs of very dear friends and yoke fellows. The Lord bless you all richly.


Your brother,


Pharm. Iheanyi Uzoma

National Coordinator









Begin with the hymn SSS 680 or A&M 307 ? STAND UP! STAND UP FOR JESUS


  • Go through the hymn and turn each stanza into prayer points for the church.
  • Proclaim 2 CHRON. 13: 1-27, Repeat the proclamation a second time.


  • Examine 2 CHRON. 13: 10-12 again


Take note of the credentials of the kingdom of Judah under King Abijah. Enumerate them one after the other. Truly speaking, can we say this of the church in the nation?


Let us therefore confess and repent for not being what we should be under God. ? lack of due diligence, negligence, prayerlessness, no sense of unity, independence, breaking of ranks, rebellion, forsaking God, strife, worldliness, hypocrisy etc.


  • Read 2 CHRON. 13: 14-16, 2 CHRON. 14: 11-12


  • Pray passionately that the church in the nation will return to God, rely heavily on Him and make Him our all in all; so that He can take over our battle in Nigeria.


  • 2 CHRON. 14:11

Request God to anoint the church to pray more earnestly to be able to bring down divine intervention in the land.


  • 2 CHRON. 14: 11

Beseech the Lord to raise a new generation of church and political leaders in the mould of ABIJAH, ASA, men who will speak and provoke God to act in the favour of the nation.


  • Read ISA. 25:7

Take authority over the religious spirits that cover the eyes of the people from the knowledge and power of the true God.


  • Pray against the evil altars and priesthood in the land that promote lousiness, sleepiness, disunity and lack of focus ETC in the church.


  • EXO. 10: 19

Pray that the cloud of enchantment, divination and sorcery resisting the church from coming to speed will be blown away by the strong west-wind of the Lord.


  • ISA. 62: 6-7

Pray that the church will hearken to God?s call to become a territorial priesthood in the Nation. Let the vision and faith to possess territories for God dawn upon the church.



  • 1 SAM. 17: 46

Pray that the wonders of God will be known in the in the world because of what the church in Nigeria will provoke God to do in answer to our prayer and lamentation.


Plead with the Lord to be a banner of protection over the lives, properties, families, jobs, businesses and careers of all watchmen who are jeopardizing their lives in prophetic journeys on behalf of the nation.


  • 2 CHRON. 13:18

In this hour of trial, pray that the church in Nigeria will prove to the world by her commitment to unity and prayer that she relies on the lord God of Israel.


  • ISA. 51: 15-16

Ask God to pour out on the church in this season the grace and anointing for prophetic utterance. So that satanic installations in the heavenlies and on earth will be smashed.


  • JER. 48:10

In this season, pray that you will not do the work of God mechanically or keep back your Spiritual sword from battle. Ask God to help you bring 100% commitment to the table.


  • JER. 51: 20-23

Pray that the church will become God?s instrument of punishment against this anti-christ organization called Boko Haram.


God is awesome, in the days of Elisha, He was revealing the enemies positions and strategy to the king of Israel, He can do it again, so pray that God will be pleased to speak to His Church about the security situation in the country and what can be done to secure our land and people.

2 KINGS 6: 6-12


  • Read 2 SAM21:1-9?

On the 29th of May 2014 Mr. President was exactly 3 years in office as Nigeria’s elected President. In the light of the above Scripture, Pray and make Prophetic atonement over the Consequences of the bloodshed and Covenant unfaithfulness committed by his Predecessors in office.

Close with personal supplication and ministrations. Break bread together and sanctify the fast and the night watches.





Begin today’s prayer time by singing – A&M 262- THY KINGDOM COME OH LORD


  • Loudly proclaim these scriptures: PSALM 14:1-7, HOS 14: 1- 9, LAM. 5: 1- 14


Brethren, one of the greatest challenges facing our country today is the burden of corruption. This great evil has destroyed the fabric of government, politics, the economy, the Judiciary, the oil industry, the civil service and of late the security forces have also come under the web of corruption too.


The armed forces who are to jealously guard the nation’s citizens, boarders and establishments are now collaborating with the enemies of the nation.


Allowances that are due to men and women in the armed forces are diverted into private pockets and the soldiers and their fellows are living in frustration. The recent cases of mutiny in Maiduguri are clear cases in point.


  • Using LAM. 5 – Cry out and raise a lamentation to God over the magnitude of corruption in our land and the incalculable burden it has brought on all sectors of the Economy.


  • Let us acknowledge before God that by choosing corruption and moral pervasion as a lifestyle, we have made ourselves fools and demeaned our international image. Ask Him to pardon us and pity our generation.


  • Let us bring great lamentation to The Lord for the evil of corruption in Nigeria; this has made nations of the world to see us as bread to be eaten and not as a people to do business with mutually.


  • Let us bring personal repentance about the pollution of corruption in our lives as much as we can remember, let us check issues of school results, certificates, jobs, privileges, financial benefits: how we got them and how we cheated our ways to get them.


  • Bring repentance on behalf of the Church for the part that the Church has played in aiding corruption in all places. We bless those who steal and pay tithes and fat offerings. We have helped he ministry of corruption in our nation… O Lord have mercy upon your people!


  • Let us repent because nobody does anything in Nigeria for the sake of service. It is for gain and greed. Our people are no longer content with their pay, everybody has done violence to the nation and there is none that pleads for true justice and righteousness to prevail in our land. Let us cry out for God to have mercy on us.


  • Our enemies who are destroying our people through terrorism, kidnapping and armed robbery etc, get their weapon supply from our armed forces who are paid yet they are supposed to be guarding us. They betray us to our enemies… Oh Lord have mercy upon us!


  • Let us continue to cry that this evil of corruption will be exposed in the highest levels of authority and governance in the Local Govts., States, the Federal and all areas of our national life. Let culprits be punished appropriately. Recall that recently a former Prime minister of Israel was sent to jail on corruption charges.


  • This evil of corruption has made our manufacturers and service providers to give sub-standard products and services and nobody is there to raise a shout against them. Corruption has indeed destroyed our integrity as a people. Oh Lord have mercy!


  • Those who are supposed to give our leaders information about the state of our nation and her security, have told lies to our president and other officials, making them to believe a lie and deceived them into acting in error and rebellion against The Lord our God. Plead with God to save our Nation and judge such fellows.


  • Most of our Children, who graduated from institutions of learning, cheated their way through. Some sold their bodies and virtues to make it through their schooling. Many Lecturers are shamelessly guilty of this and even some parents did encourage them to do so… Oh Lord have mercy upon our nation!


  • We have imported what we don’t need and exported what we need, just because of our corruption. There is no fear of God in the land. Our Christianity and religion has been vain confessions, both the Christians and Muslims in the country commit more atrocities than some so called non-religious people. Sin has in deed become our down fall. HOS. 14:1? Oh Lord have mercy!


  • Let us cry that God will pour out His spirit upon our land and people so that there will be massive repentance in all places of our endeavours in our country. HOS. 14:1-3


  • Invite God to please come and heal our backsliding and restore our fortunes as a nation. HOS. 14:4


  • Let us pray that integrity and hard-work will be appreciated, respected and rewarded in all places of duty in our nation. PROV13:4


  • Let us cry that God will help our parents to model and teach their children the value of hard work, honesty, integrity and fear of God in all they do. We need training in RIGHTEOUSNESS that can start from our nursery schools to the highest levels of education and vocation.


  • Pray for the emergence of leaders at all levels with zero tolerance for corruption. Leaders in the mode of Biblical Nehemiahs?, Daniels and Joseph.


  • Bind the particular territorial spirit that sustains corruption in Nigeria. Break the covenants, sacrifices, Altars and priesthood of corruption in the land. Do a prophetic action and shake off all corrupt officials, public Servants and politicians from all their exalted places. NEH. 5:13




Sing this song a couple of times to commence today’s prayers


Jehovah is your name.

Jehovah is your name.

Mighty Warrior, Great in Battle.

Jehovah is your name.


  • Proclaim PSALM 136:1-END. Let it be done responsively and the response shall be -?? “FOR HIS MERCIES ENDURES FOREVER”


Notice that the MERCY OF GOD is a mystery. By the same stroke of His mercy He rescued Israel from their enemies and on the other hand slew famous kings and overthrew Pharaoh and His Army in the Red Sea. This means that the mercy of God is ambivalent. It will save some while slaying and overthrowing others.


  • Firstly let us give God thanks generously for His mercies that endures forever, that reaches to the heavens


  • Pray that the river of God’s mercy will flow through the length and breadth of Nigeria to deliver His Congregation and to destroy the network of terrorists troubling the land.


  • Prophesy that the mercy of God will preserve Our Girls from Chibok, sustain them until they are returned safely to their Parents without defilement. Beseech God by His mercy, to lead our Girls out of every wilderness they have found themselves. PSALM 136:16.


  • Proclaim ISA. 33:1 as judgment to the Terrorists holding our Girls. Repeat it Eleven times and turn it into prayers.


  • Pray ISA. 33:2 – Over our Girls where ever they are. Invite God to be gracious to them and to be their arm every morning. Let God be their salvation in this time of their trouble.


  • Read MATT. 18:6-7

Make a case before God on behalf of our kidnapped Girls. Because the terrorists have offended these little ones, let their generation be cursed and let Millstones be hung around their neck so they will drown in the depth of the sea.


  • PSALM 136: 10, 17 – Ask God by His mercy to strike the firstborn and the first battalion of Boko Haram and deliver the Nigerian Nation from their menace and intimidation.


  • Let us pray for the baptism of Strength and courage on NIGERIA and NIGERIANS in the face of the ministry of wickedness by the Boko Haram terror group. Declare that the Spirit of Nigeria shall not die.


  • PSALM 23

As Boko Haram has become the devil’s instrument of terror and carnage, similarly ask God to raise and strengthen from all sectors, human instruments of comfort and deliverance for Nigeria in times like this.


  • ISA. 51:18-19

Request the Lord in His Mercy to remember Nigeria in our present lowly state. Ask Him to show Nigeria the benefits and favour of being a Chosen Nation.


  • PSALM 136:23, PSALM 106:4-5

Let us prophesy to the heavens above and the earth beneath to fight against those holding our girls captive.


  • Let us ask God BY HIS MERCY to expose and frustrate those who are trying to make cheap political gains and points out of this national crisis situation. Declare that they will not live to see the new Nigeria of God’s dream.


  • Let us pray against the evil counselors and agents of the enemy who are working in the midst of the government pretending to be agents of light. Ask The Lord to expose them and judge them accordingly.


  • Ask God by HIS MERCY to confuse the language & tongue of the Boko Haram leadership and followership, so that they will not agree on common plans and so be scattered and destroyed.


  • Read PSALM 61:6-7 – fasten this scripture to Mr. President’s life. Let God prolong His life; make his years as many generations. Pray that God’s mercy and truth will preserve and encourage him.


  • Smash that pot of sorcery from the NORTH that has tied the hand of the present Government/ administration ? saying ?He may have the throne and power but His day shall amount to nothing?.


  • Proclaim PSALM 33:22 – With all your strength 21 times, lifting up the Nigerian flag ?







Sing this song a couple of times

The name the name of Jesus

Is higher than any other name

It is not an ordinary name

It is the name that?s full of power and praise

Proclaim 2 CHRON. 20: 1-30, PSALM 94: 1-7


  • Let us stand in Prayer to invite God to come down in two capacities

-?? as the God of vengeance and the judge of the earth to render adequate punishment to all the agents insurgency in Nigeria. Pray that God as in the days of Jehoshaphat, will make this battle over the soul of Nigeria His own battle.


  • Plead with God to fish out all those who are sympathetic to the cause of Boko Haram in Nigeria. Ask God to DISCOVER them, DISGRACE them and DESTROY them. Whether they be in the Military, Police, SSS, Political parties, Senate, Reps, Presidency, Judiciary etc.


  • Read PSALM 94: 4-7

Make a formal report of their boasting as well as the atrocities perpetrated against this Nation. Decree that that disaster, calamity and sudden danger will befall them.


  • DAN. 10: 11, HEB. 1: 14

Like Daniel was helped by angels, ask that the specific angels God has reserved for this season be released and mandated to help the collaborative efforts of the other nations working to stamp out Boko Haram in Nigeria.


  • Pray and blot out by the blood of Jesus whatever the enemy has invested in the heavens to delay the rescue of our girls from Chibok. Ask that the Sun, Moon and Stars will align to fulfil and achieve this delicate Rescue Operation.


  • 2 CHRON. 20: 22

Boko Haram insurgents have used the strategy of setting ambushes to kill many Nigerian Soldiers. Therefore ask God Himself to set ambushes against ABUBAKAR SHEKAU and his army so they will be roundly defeated and destroyed.


  • Read 1 KINGS 18: 28 ? 29

Invoke the blood of Jesus to neutralize the potency of Shekau/Boko Harams charms and sorceries thereby cutting off his communication lines with the demon spirits that empower them.


  • Read JUDGES 5: 4

Pray that the Earth will tremble to bring destructions upon the enemies of Nigeria

-?????? Let the heavens pour out God?s vengeance and wrath on Shekau

-?????? Let the clouds pour out judgment against insurgency.


  • JUDGES 5: 21

Pray that the torrents of God?s judgment will sweep and carry away the camp of the insurgents. Let them die and be wiped away in their numbers.



  • Proclaim LAM. 3: 64-66

Do the proclamation seven times. Turn it into prayers taking it verse by verse.


  • 1 KINGS 20: 10-11

Pray that God will undress Shekau and the top leadership of his camp and take off all their armour of wickedness. Let God locate and expose the secret of their invisibility.


  • 1 KINGS 20: 23-25

Pray that, like the Syrian army, let Shekau and his group commits a tactical blunder that will easily give them away to be defeated and eliminated.


  • Read 2 KINGS 13: 4-5

Let us plead with God to look down upon Nigeria and see our oppression from the hands of terrorists and give us deliverers.


  • Ask God to completely stamp out this insurgency, restore Nigeria so we can dwell in our tents as before.


  • Decree and Declare that any conspiracy to Balkanize Nigeria or to target her for destruction is doomed and buried.


  • Take authority over the on-going NATIONAL CONFERENCE in Abuja. The Plenary Sessions considering Committee reports are presently holding. Come against any clandestine plans to smuggle in things that will not be in the overall interest of the nation, especially matters concerning GRAZING RESERVES, RELIGION, LAND USE ACT, RESOURCE CONTROL. etc Insist that only the perfect will of God will prevail.


  • Judge any forces that will seek to hijack the extra 4Weeks granted to this National Conference. Decree that the Conference will end peacefully.
  • 2 KINGS 13: 22-23

Look at God?s response to the oppression and plight of Israel.

-????? He was gracious to them

-?????? Had compassion on them

-?????? Will not destroy them

-?????? Will not cast them out of His presence


  • Ask God to do all these and more for our Nation in our present situation.





Notice that the kingdom of Satan is sustained by darkness and wickedness. The church therefore has a responsibility to ceaselessly curse and pray against all wicked men and their deeds. ? PSALM 141: 5

Carefully read the following scriptures

-?????? GEN. 4: 11 ??????? ?- EXO. 8: 16-19

-?????? JER 22: 29? ?????? ?- MARK 6: 11

One truth common to these listed scriptures is that by the LAW OF CONTACT, the Earth can be activated through prophetic words and declarations to become an agent of cursing and judgment against God?s enemies.


Get yourself a token of the dust/sand of the Earth and decree that Shekau and his anti-christ organization shall perish. Let the earth of Nigeria miscarry their agenda. Let the earth leave them no survivors.


Proclaim JER. 22: 29 ? Seven times and fasten it upon them and their sponsors.


  • GEN. 4: 11

Speak over the dust/sand sample and curse the Boko Haram organization from the earth of Nigeria that has continued to drink the blood of innocent Nigerians killed by them.


  • EXO. 8: 16-19

Nobody can possibly fight God who created and controls nature. Let us therefore prophesy over the token of earth?s dust/sand and project affliction, confusion, plaques etc into their camp. Let the curse from the earth of Nigeria propel them in the direction of their final destruction.


  • MARK 6: 11

Just recently the United Nations Security Council added Boko Haram to United Nation?s 1267 Sanction list. This will serve to close up important avenues of funding, travelling and weapons. It is also an evidence of the global unity against their wicked actions. Rain curses on them using the dust sample and declare their punishment will be worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.


  • Proclaim ISA. 26: 21

Using the sample in your hand as a point of contact, decree that the earth of Nigeria will uncover the dwelling of Shekau and his host. Let the earth now expose them for judgment.


  • Pray that the covenant they made for the earth to hide them be annulled. Let the earth no longer answer to the blood of their sacrifice and covenant.


  • Invoke the earth of Nigeria to react violently and destructively to them because of the blood they have shed. Let the earth wipe them away and uproot their memorial forever.


  • Command the earth henceforth to reject their priesthood and only respond to the command of the LORD and the decree of the Watchers.



  • ISA. 24: 4-7

One of the undisputable everlasting covenants Boko Haram has broken is shedding the blood of innocent citizens. Added to this is the abduction and forceful conversion of Christian girls to Islam.


  • Let us therefore command the earth to curse them by day and night until they are devoured.
  • Let the blood they have shed, the trauma of the girls and the global lamentation and outcry against their wickedness mobilize the earth to release all manner of afflictions against Shekau and his camp.


  • Proclaim NUM. 16: 29-35

Pronounce a curse on them and decree that they will not die the death of common men. Let the earth open and swallow them and all their satanic glory. Pray that the fire of the LORD will consume their enchanters and sorcerers.


  • JER. 33: 25-26

Let us invoke the ordinances, laws and covenants between God and creation to execute the lamentations and decrees of the church against Shekau and his army. Let the stars henceforth reject their enchantment.





Start today with this Warfare Song:






Proclaim the following scriptures – 1 JOHN 5:8 AND EZEKIEL 35:2-7


A look at the John scriptures shows that blood and water are witnesses which the earth cannot resist while the Ezekiel scripture shows the judgment God has appointed for those who are full of hatred like SHEKAU and his army. NOTE THAT THE JUDGEMENT IS THAT THEY WILL BE PREPARED FOR BLOOD AND BLOOD WILL PUSUE THEM.


Interestingly each of these HUMAN BEASTS that are ravaging our nation has water and blood in them. Not only do they have water and blood in them but they must drink water to live. They are full of hatred for us and delight in shedding blood.


Beyond picking the dust/sand and cursing them via lamentations and decrees of judgment do drop the decrees into their blood and water.


Let the water in their bodies bear witness against them and let the blood in them cry out to earth to judge them and uproot them.


Oh let them be prepared for blood and let the blood of men they have shed pursue them and cut shut them out of the earth especially SHEKAU.


  • Step out of the normal and as a prophetic act proclaim or read judgments over a glass of water against these RAVENOUS HUMAN BEASTS. As you finish pour it out on the earth and declare that these decrees must fill the earth like the waters that cover the earth


  • By these waters poured out pray to wipe away these men who have made covenants with hell and the grave yards.


Let the waters of the earth possess these decrees and connect to the waters of their body and wipe them away. Let blood PURSUE them.


Beloved because these men have gotten into extremes because judgment has not speedily been executed we must also answer them biblically from extreme positions. They are human beasts that the Bible describes in REV. 12 – as dwelling with Satan and are now his chariots. DANIEL 7: 4 shows them as beasts who came from the sea and changed form and walked the earth like a man. That is why I am addressing them biblically as Human Beasts who are ravagers. They will not listen to the normal. They only will hear the voice of vengeance from the Lord through the decrees of the Church.


We are dealing with human beasts carrying out the anti-Christ agenda. They will not hear dialogue. They must be confronted spiritually and violently.


We must take the words from the listed scriptures below and proclaim them to the day and night, to the rising sun, the moon and stars, the earth and to water and command the spirits in heaven behind these words to go on a rampage against these gates of hell. Beloved this is WAR and the Lord is watching to see what we will do. Remember we are the custodians of the earth for God against all unrighteousness and wickedness, this truth informs the below biblical judgments that we are outlying for you to proclaim as you lament and curse them.


-????????? PSALMS 109:1-20

-????????? JOB 18:5-21

-????????? JOB 20:4-29


As we do these be encouraged to anoint our bushes and grasses and trees and tell them that the end of SHEKAU must be now and his wickedness must cease.


  • Let’s again ask the Lord to send Angels to join our armed forces to deliver these abducted girls and to cut off ABUBAKAR SHEKAU.




(Speaking Good Things About NIGERIA)


Sing the song:

We serving a living GOD

We are serving a living GOD Amen!!!


Declare PSALM 91 ? Personalize and pray it verse by verse for Nigeria


Declare PSALM 121 ? Personalize and pray it verse by verse for Nigeria


Declare PSALM 124 ? Personalize and pray it verse by verse for Nigeria


  • DAN. 6:26

Declare that the God of Nigeria is the living God. He is not like the idols of other nations.


  • EPH. 3: 20

Declare that the God of Nigeria is able to do exceedingly; abundantly above all we can ask Him concerning Nigeria. He is able to fix Nigeria unnumbered problems and challenges.


  • PSALM 80: 3, 7, 19

Declare that the God of Nigeria will surely restore Nigeria, He will cause His face to shine on Nigeria and Nigeria shall be saved.


  • PSALM 68: 30

God will rebuke the company of spear men in Nigeria. He will scatter those who delight in war in Jesus name.


  • PSALM 46: 1-END

NIGERIA God is your refuge and strength. God is your very present help in trouble.

God is in the midst of Nigeria. God shall help Nigeria just at the break of dawn.

The Lord of Host is with Nigeria, the God of Jacob is Nigeria?s refuge.

Nigeria, God will make your wars to cease. He will break the enemies? bows and cut their spears in two.


  • ISA. 60: 20

Nigeria, your sun shall no longer go down

Nor shall your moon withdraw itself

The Lord will be your everlasting light

And the days of your mourning shall soon be ended





  • ISA. 60: 15

NIGERIA, whereas you have been forsaken and hated by Boko Haram so that no one went through you. Yet will God make you an Eternal Excellence, a joy of many generations.


  • ISA. 60: 18

NIGERIA, it shall come to pass that violence shall no longer be heard in your land. Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders. But you shall call yours walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.



Declare and Renew these Prophetic Words Concerning NIGERIA.

Make prayers out of each of them.


  • Nigeria; though you have passed through the valley of the shadow of death, thus saith the Lord, you shall not die but shall live.?


  • Thus saith the Lord- Nigeria and Nigerian Christians will be used by the Lord to preach the gospel in the market places of the World in these last days.?


  • ?My Church in this nation, is my hope for the Continent of Africa?



?Arise Oh Nigeria! Saith the Lord, Arise from the North, Arise from the South, Arise from the West, Arise from the East. The season of incubation is past. The day to hatch has come and I the Lord bring upon you a visitation, my marked visitation.? Even though you have not known me, yet I have chosen you. In this day I pass through your land in mercy to renew the face of the nations. Even though the nations are despising you, I have desired you as a place for my glory. Therefore, I the Lord have jealously watched over you to cause my purpose to be done. I have brought you to the valley of decision.


There is no time to waste. Arise as a generation for, I have waited for you. I will desire of you genuine dedication. I the Lord will make my demands. But I seek to raise out of you a generation of men who will make my glory known in the ends of the earth. I have purposed it, I will do it.


But I ask you to arise. Arise in this day, there is no more time to wait. Arise, Arise, from complacency, Arise from ignorance. Know me the God of destiny. Know me the God of covenants. For I seek to exhibit you to the world. I have come. This day do I desire a commitment from you. I desire not to wait any longer. My time has come and you shall labor in the nations to bring up children. Therefore, arise into this destiny for the world waits for you saith the Spirit of the Lord?. (Prophecy, IFN, Core East Regional Conference, Onitsha, 27/1/96)





I have given you a missionary spirit and am surely going to change the nations of the earth through you. But now I will give you the anointing to change your nation.

The Lord says, ?I am going to begin to unravel the corrupt system in Nigeria and men will say it is impossible but I say with God all things are possible?. There is going to be a revival in the Universities and this revival is going to be of such a large magnitude, that the revival in the Universities will affect the secondary schools and will affect the primary schools. And I am going to change Nigeria to the next generation says God. And the Lord says the unity of the leaders is coming. It?s going to uproot and dethrone the occult.? For I?m going to overthrow the occult spirit.? And I?m going to use Nigeria to heal the rest of Africa because what happens in Nigeria will affect the whole continent.?



The Lord says I?m going to use the Nigerians in Russia. There will be many churches planted in Russia. The Lord says I?m going to use your nation. I?m going to use you in the Middle East, God say I?m getting ready to change many things. I?m getting ready to expose this occult in the highest level.? In the next few months, I?m going to tear it down and I?m going to make it shift and there will be a day violence will no longer be heard of in the streets of Nigeria.? And it will be one of the safest nations on the face of the earth says God. Halleluiah. God bless you and bless you?.? (Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs, year 2002)


CONCLUDE – With personal prayers, diverse ministrations and breaking of bread.